For delivery purposes, please give us your first and last name, full telephone number, email, zip code, address, city, administrative unit, and country.
The delivery expenses are to be paid by the customer.
You need to have your ID document with you in order to take your parcel.
Delivery to European countries, Cyprus, and Israel
The approximate delivery time to the United Kingdom is about 7 days; to Poland, Germany – 5 to 7 days; to other European countries – 6 to 10 days; to Greece – up to 30 days; to Israel – up to 20 days.
The approximate cost of delivery starts from €19.
Delivery to the USA, Canada, Australia, and China
The approximate shipping time is about 11 days, and the approximate cost of shipping is $55-110.
Mishenin Art
[email protected]
We work seven days a week